Marshall County

Iowa Law Enforcement will sTEP Up Enforcement This Thanksgiving Holiday

November 20, 2012

Marshall County - Although 92% of Iowa motorists are using safety belts during the daytime hours, there is plenty of those who aren't especially in the rural communities. 

Most of the state's police officers, deputy sheriffs, state troopers and DOT officers will participate in the Thanksgiving Holiday effort urging everyone to buckle up.This one-week enhanced enforcement period, spanning November 19-25th, represents another wave of Iowa's special Traffic Enforcement Program (sTEP). The program joins public information efforts with those of the local enforcement communities geared at convincing all motorists of the importance of buckling up. In addition to safety belt violations, officers will also pay close attention to impaired drivers and other moving violations.

Patrick Hoye, Bureau Chief of the Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau continues to stress the importance of buckling up during the daytime hours and especially at night. "Seat belts save lives and that is the bottom line." As of November 1st with over 37% of this year's 299 fatalities having been determined not to have been wearing seat belts, the answer is clear that buckling up increases your odds in surviving a major crash.

During the last August-September sTEP wave, Iowa officers confronted 2,358 seat belt violations, 847 impaired drivers, 13,443 speeding violations, and a total of over 34,335 contacts with traffic violators. Vehicle assistance was given to 1,980 motorists and 419 arrest warrants were served. The next sTEP wave is scheduled for March 14-17, 2013.

The Marshall County Sheriff's Office will have extra deputies on patrol during this time period to help keep the roadways safe for all of our friends and loved ones who will be traveling this Holiday Season.

About Marshall County Sheriff's Office
The Marshall County, Iowa Sheriff's Office is headed up by Sheriff Ted G. Kamatchus. Sheriff Kamatchus is committed to keeping communities and neighborhoods safe in Marshall County.

For additional information or a sample copy, contact:
Deputy Ben Veren
Marshall County Sheriff's Office
Fax 641-754-6325

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